國立臺灣師範大學美術學系 兼任講師
臺北市立教育大學視覺藝術學系 兼任講師


2023  中華民國第39屆版印年畫 首獎
2021  中華民國第37屆版印年畫 首獎
2019  中華民國第35屆版印年畫 首獎
2016  中華民國第32屆版印年畫 首獎
2014  中華民國第30屆版印年畫 首獎
2014  19屆大墩美展 版畫類 優選
2014  中華民國第16屆國際版畫雙年展 入選
2012  中華民國版畫學會全國版畫展暨版畫大獎展  優選
2010  全國學生美展大專美術科系組 版畫類 特優
2010  14屆國際版畫雙年展 入選
2010  15屆大墩美展 版畫類 第三名
2010  臺北縣第22屆美術展 版畫類 第三名

Adjunct Lecturer of NTNU, Dept. of Fine Art
Adjunct Lecturer of UTaipei, Dept. of Visual Arts

2020 Ji Guang Pian Yu-Yang Wen-Yu, Lin Tzu-Min Group Exhibition, Lukang Public Hall, Lukang, Taiwan.
2019 Dialogue: Taiwan-Malaysia Print Exchange Exhibition, Oriental Art & Cultural Association, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2019 Spring and Scenic Beauty-Group Exhibition, Howard Salon, Taipei, Taiwan.
2017 Kinmen International Print Invitation Exhibition, Kinmen County Cultural Bureau, Kinmen, Taiwan.
2017 Art Imagination World, Lan Kwai Fong International Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan.
2015 Art Model and Style Printmaking Exhibition, Kaohsiung Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2014 Yang Wen-Yu Printmaking Creative Exhibition, Lukang Public Hall, Lukang , Taiwan.
2014 Japan-Taiwan International Print Exchange Exhibition, Ruan Ginza Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
2013 Art Rising Love Group Exhibition, JDbecca, ASUS Corporate Headquarters, Taipei, Taiwan.
2013 Taiwan-Tianjin Binhai Print Exchange Exhibition, NTUA Art Museum, New Taipei, Taiwan. / Tianjin Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center, Tianjin, China. / Tianjin Te Da Library Cultural Art Exhibition Hall, Tianjin, China.
2011 Fertility and Impact - Taiwan-Korea Print Exhibition, NTUA Art Museum International Exhibition Hall, New Taipei, Taiwan / Korea Joseon University Art Museum, Gwangju, South Korea.

2023 1st Prize in the 39th Taiwan Annual Print Yearbook of the Republic of China.
2021 1st Prize in the 37th Taiwan Annual Print Yearbook of the Republic of China.
2019 1st Prize in the 35th Taiwan Annual Print Yearbook of the Republic of China.
2016 1st Prize in the 32nd Taiwan Annual Print Yearbook of the Republic of China.
2014 1st Prize in the 30th Taiwan Annual Print Yearbook of the Republic of China.
2014 Merit Award in the 19th Da Dun Fine Art Exhibition, Print Category.
2014 Judges’ Award in the 16th Taiwan International Print Biennial.
2012 Merit Award in the National Print Exhibition and Print Grand Prix Exhibition of the Republic of China Printmaking Association.
2010 Merit Award in the National Students’ Fine Arts Exhibition, College Students’ Group, Print Category.
2010 Judges’ Award in the 14th Taiwan International Print Biennial.
2010 3rd Prize in the 15th Da Dun Art Exhibition, Print Category.
2010 3rd Prize in the 22nd Taipei County Fine Arts Exhibition, Print Category.