中華亞太水彩藝術協會 會員
國立臺灣師範大學美術研究所 西畫創作組


2016  第5屆全國美術展 水彩類  金獎
2015  第20屆大墩美展 大墩獎
2015  第20屆大墩美展 水彩類  第一名
2013  第30屆宜蘭美展 宜蘭獎
2013  臺灣藝術大學美術系師生美展 水彩類 第一名
2012  蘭陽自來水百年紀念全國寫生比賽 第一名
2012  第30屆桃源美展 水彩類 第二名
2011  福容愛之船郵輪飯店繪畫攝影比賽  大專社會組 第三名
2011  臺灣藝術大學美術系師生美展 水彩類 第三名
2011  國際單親兒童文教基金會徵文繪畫攝影比賽  大專社會組 第一名

Member of Chinese Asia-Pacific Watercolor Association
MFA in Western Painting, NTNU

2016 Cross-Strait Watercolor Art Exchange Exhibition, DHU Yi-Fu Building, Shanghai, China.
2015 Emerging Lotuses-Cross-Strait Contemporary Masters Watercolor Invitational Exhibition, National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.
2015 Chinese Asia-Pacific Watercolor Association Youth Members’ Group Exhibition, Ji Lin Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
2015 NTNU Biennial-Joint Exhibition of NTNU Graduate Institute of Fine Arts, NTNU Teh Chun Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
2015 Splashing Watercolor-Five-Person Group Exhibition, Julia Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
2014 Wind to Zhu Luo Mountain ‧ Chiayi Taocheng Fun-Feng-Yeher Arts Association Homeland Journey Group Exhibition, Chiayi Tower, Chiayi, Taiwan.
2014 Incheon Global City Art Exchange Exhibition, Incheon City Cultural Arts Center, Incheon, South Korea.
2014 Discovering the Beauty of CPC-Calendar Launch and Art Exhibition, CPC Building, Taipei, Taiwan.
2014 Southern Journey-Watercolor Exhibition, NO.16 Chingtian Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.

2016 Gold Award in the 5th National Art Exhibition, Watercolor Category.
2015 Da dun Award in the 20th Da Dun Fine Art Exhibition.
2015 1st Prize in the 20th Da Dun Fine Art Exhibition, Watercolor Category.
2013 Yilan Award in the 30th Yilan Art Exhibition.
2013 1st Prize in the NTUA Faculty and Student Art Exhibition, Watercolor Category.
2012 1st Prize in the Lanyang Tap Water Centennial Commemorative National Sketch Competition.
2012 2nd Prize in the 30th Taoyuan Art Exhibition, Watercolor Category.
2011 3rd Prize in the Fullon Hotel Tamsui Painting and Photography Competition, College Students’ Group.
2011 3rd Prize in the NTUA Faculty and Student Art Exhibition, Watercolor Category.
2011 1st Prize in the International Single Parent Children's Cultural and Educational Foundation Essay, Painting, and Photography Competition, College Students’ Group.