國立臺灣藝術大學美術研究所 版畫組

2023 中華民國第39屆版印年畫 佳作
2023 24屆磺溪美展 版畫類 入選
2022 中華民國第38屆版印年畫 佳作
2022 大墩美展 版畫類 第三名
2022 璞玉發光-全國藝術行銷活動 璞玉獎
2021 25屆桃城美展 西畫類 首獎 梅嶺獎
2021 宜蘭獎 西方媒材類 入選
2018 新北市美展 版畫類 入選
2018 中華民國版畫學會主辦之全國迷你版畫創作比賽 高中職組 優等
2017 畫家畫玉山油畫比賽 典藏獎
2017 新北市學生美術比賽 版畫類 高中職美術科組 第二名
2017 全國學生美術比賽 版畫類 高中職美術科組 佳作

MFA in Printmaking, NTUA

2023 Honorable Mention in the 39th Taiwan Annual Print Yearbook of the Republic of China.
2022 Judges’ Award in the Republic of China 38th Annual Woodblock Print New Year Print Competition.
2022 3rd Prize in the Da Dun Art Exhibition, Printmaking Category.
2022 Jade Award in the Jade Brilliance-National Art Marketing Event.
2021 1st Prize in the 25th Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition, Western Painting Category.
2021 Judges’ Award in the Yilan Art Award, Western Media Category.
2018 Judges’ Award in the New Taipei City Fine Arts Exhibition, Printmaking Category.
2018 Merit Award in the National Miniature Print Creation Competition hosted by the Printmaking Association of the Republic of China, High School Group.
2017 Collection Award in the Painter Paints Yushan Oil Painting Competition.
2017 2nd Prize in the New Taipei City Student Art Competition, Printmaking Category, High School Art Group.
2017 Honorable Mention in the National Student Art Competition, Printmaking Category, High School Art Group.